ARJ Pages

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

British Royal Jewels: The Queen's Brazilian Aquamarine Brooch

The brooch is part of the Brazilian Aquamarine and Diamond Parure. It features a large aquamarine surrounded by diamonds in a platinum frame.
The Brazilian Aquamarine and Diamond Brooch
The brooch was not part of the original demi-parure which the President and People of Brazil presented to Her Majesty in 1953, on the occasion of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation;  However, in 1958, the Brazilian Government presented the Queen two additional pieces – a matching brooch and bracelet.

The Queen has worn this brooch fairly consistently throughout her reign although it's probably not in the Top 10 of her most-worn pieces. As with most of her brooches, Her Majesty pins this one high up on her left shoulder although sometimes she opts to wear the piece on her collar. 
The Queen wearing the brooch on her collar and on her left shoulder
In my opinion, this brooch is quite simply breathtaking. If I could choose a single brooch from the Queen's very vast collection, I'd probably go for this one. Even Cullinan brooches are no competition, as far as I am concerned. Well, maybe with the exception of Granny's Chips: those are in league of their own. 

To have a look at the entire Brazilian Aquamarine, have a look at this post - The Brazilian Aquamarine Parure and Tiara

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